Savoirs et points de vue situés
- From “Women are not born women” to “Lesbians are not women”: From de Beauvoir to Wittig
- Assault on the straight discourse and universalization of the minority point of view in the essays of Monique Wittig
- Renaming “The” Lesbian. When Lesbians Were Also Feminists
- Breaking Heterosexuality's Taboo, Ending Sexual Difference: Contributions of Lesbianism as a Social Movement and Political Theory
- Co-formations: On Decolonial Spatialities of Resistance by Lesbians “of color” in France
Normes, expériences et stratégies sociales
- Female sexualities in prison : practices, discourses, representations
- L’hétéronormativité en milieu de travailLesbian Sexuality and Gender Categories – Heteronormativity on the Workplace
- Sondage mené auprès de jeunes lesbiennes canadiennes francophonesTo be or not to be subversive? Survey of young lesbians French Canadian
- Promoting lesbian health: state of the art, issues and recommendations
Perspectives historiques
- Sexuality out of bounds: Women’s relationships in Ancient Greece and Rome
- The "clan divine love of women" for the "cursed race": development, representations of the discontinuities and lesbian identity in the path of Mireille Havet (1898-1932)
- Entretiens croisés avec les réalisatrices Maria Beatty, Émilie Jouvet, Catherine Corringer et Shu Lea CheangWomen Pornographers: Interviews with Maria Beatty, Emilie Jouvet, Catherine Corringer and Shu Lea Cheang
- Habib Benglia, the “nègrérotique” in French entertainment
- The Childbearing Duty in an Era of Medicalization: Stigmata, Objections and the Opening of a Gap in Reproductive Technologies
- Sexist and Sexual Violence in a Context of Sport Activities: Humor and Insults Considered
- When Women Refused Sexual Intercourses: an Impossible Emancipation from Masculine Power in Fifteenth Century France?
Analyses & comptes rendus
À procura de textos e pretextos, e dos seus contextos.
Genre, sexualité & société - n°1 | Printemps 2009
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