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Families demand the truth about Iraq war

Louise Nousratpour

Bereaved families have demanded to know the "truth" behind reasons for the Iraq war, dismissing Tony Blair's anticipated appearance at the official inquiry as a "waste of time."

The wife of Sergeant Steve Roberts, who was killed by "friendly fire" in March 2003, said the former prime minister would probably "sail through unscathed."

Samantha Roberts said: "It's all a waste of time."

John Hyde, whose son Lance Corporal Benjamin was killed in 2004, added: "I would just like to know the truth. We were told it was because Saddam had weapons of mass destruction - was it Tony Blair's lie?"

Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son Gordon was killed by a roadside bomb in 2004, has since become a high-profile anti-war campaigner.

After watching every day of the inquiry so far, she said: "I'd like to see Blair asked why he didn't consult with his Cabinet. He should also be asked why he's trying to deny the 45-minute claim when he was the one who made it."

Ms Gentle - a founding member of Military Families Against the War - lost out in the families' ballot for a seat in the main hall while Mr Blair gives evidence on Friday and will instead listen in from a nearby room.

The Stop the War Coalition has organised a protest to greet Mr Blair as he arrives at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre.

A delegation including Iraqi citizens and grieving military families will also deliver a "people's dossier" of questions for Tony Blair to inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot.

Among them will be public interest lawyer Phil Shiner, who has represented a number of Iraqi families including Baha Mousa, who died while in the custody of British troops.

Mr Shiner said the Iraqi families he had spoken to were also convinced Mr Blair's evidence would not shed much new light.

Mr Shiner said: "What they would like is the truth, but there is no chance of that. It's a field day for these politicians.

"Tony Blair is a consummate politician who will have faced much tougher questions during his tenure in charge. If anything, he will be looking forward to his big day."


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